About Crypto-Cocktails

This site is going to document my journey into the “Blockchain” inter-web and how to get started with cyber cryptocurrency.

Blockchain Technology is a whole new generation or iteration of the “internet” as we know it today.  Remember the “internet” started with computers communicating with each other over black screens with green letters via computers owned by Universities.   That morphed or grew into the World Wide Web and the rest is history. In the early days, it was called the “wild west”. No Government interference no regulations and of course little protection.  When I first saw it I knew it was going to change everything.

I mentioned it to a group of Managers and told them that the world was about to change because of this thing called the Internet.  Several laughed and told the rest of the group that it was only about porn and I  must be into porn.

What is the process of betting on cryptocurrency?  Next>>>>>